This banana bread has the perfect combination of fluffy, moist, melt-in-your-mouth goodness, naturally flavoured with a generous serving of ripe bananas and their reminiscent notes of vanilla and honey.

How better to embark on my baking blog journey than with this slice, or should I say LOAF, of heaven. Tried and tested far more times than I should admit – this banana bread recipe has the perfect combination of fluffy, moist, melt-in-your-mouth goodness, naturally flavoured with a generous helping of ripe bananas and their reminiscent notes of vanilla and honey.
The thing I love about banana bread is the simplicity and versatility of the recipe. Not to forget to mention, the heavenly AROMA that fills my apartment while the bread is in the oven, isn’t that just the best?! Bananas are always a staple on our grocery list and ever since experimenting with this recipe – we always seem to be have excess bananas sitting in a fruit bowl on the counter, ready to succumb to the baking urge when it calls!
Here’s a fun fact: did you know that the scientific name for a banana is musa sapientum which literally translates to ‘Fruit of the Wise Men‘? They say you are what you eat – wouldn’t it be safe to conclude that consumption of banana bread is only making us wiser, slice by slice? Hmm .. #foodForThought (or should I say #bananaBreadForThought)

OKAY! Onto this recipe. The best part of this recipe is that you probably have all the required ingredients sitting in your pantry and fridge already.
Baking this Banana Bread to Perfection:

- Butter: Salted or unsalted – ensure your butter sits at room temperature for at least 1-2 hours. This is important for any recipe which calls for ‘creaming’ together butter and sugar. Room temperature butter is key for ensuring a light and fluffy outcome because it is during this process that the butter incorporates air pockets, lightening the texture of your batter and baked good.
- Brown Sugar: I have always had a special spot for brown sugar – it works like magic in brownies and cookies by providing a more moist and slightly dense texture. This magic is also apparent when using brown sugar in cakes or quick breads.
- Greek Yogurt: The addition of Greek Yogurt to the recipe ensures a moist crumb while still keeping the bread soft and tender. You can substitute sour cream for more richness but I prefer Greek Yogurt for its lower fat and higher protein content.
- Bananas: I’ve saved the most important for last. This recipe calls for a very generous 2 cups of mashed bananas – trust me, it is worth it! It is crucial to measure out the 2 cups as this guarantees the distinctive sweet flavour of bananas and adds moisture + structure to the final product. Make sure you use ripened bananas. Chances are, the uglier the bananas look – the more suitable they are for a banana loaf.

Baking it a Little Different:
- Add-ins: Although this banana bread is quite the treat on its own, a simple addition of walnuts, chocolate chips, pecans, raisins, chopped dried fruit, fresh blueberries or freshly chopped banana can give the loaf so much more character – depending on your preference. Once baked, It can be toasted, topped with a dollop of butter, Nutella, PB or honey OR devoured in seconds as it is
Love this banana bread with choco chips, definitely making it this weekend for breakfast (and afternoon tea)
I am so glad you love this recipe! Thank you 🙂